GRBL Configuration is used to set the parameters of your GRBL device, such as maximum travel, maximum speed, acceleration values, motor direction, and more.
If you set GRBL configuration incorrectly, your device may not function properly. If you encounter strange issues, try reset the GRBL configuration first.
Open LaserGRBL Software,then click on the menu -> Grbl -> Grbl Configuration
The image below shows a reference for GRBL configuration:
This value controls the delay time for locking the motors when your GRBL device is idle, in milliseconds. Setting it to 255 will keep the motors locked indefinitely.
These settings control the resolution of the XYZA axes. This value represents how many steps the stepper motors need to take to move 1 millimeter. Unless you change the mechanical drive components, please keep the default values.
These settings control the maximum feed rate for the XYZA axes.
These settings control the acceleration of the XYZA axes. If you want your device to move faster, try increasing both acceleration and maximum feed rate, but excessive acceleration may reduce mechanical precision.
These settings control the maximum travel of the XYZA axes. If you change the mechanical structure or install a larger laser module, you can try modifying this value to match your mechanical setup.
It is not recommended to change the values of these settings unless you know what you are doing. Accidentally modifying these values may cause your device to malfunction. To reset the settings, please refer to the section on resetting GRBL settings.
$40 can set the laser power when the NEJE device is in GRBL mode while idle. This function is used for laser focusing. The default value is 0.200, which means it maintains 0.2% brightness when idle. Set it to 0 will disable this function.
Unit: seconds
Your device supports automatic reporting of laser temperature at regular intervals. The default value is 10, which means it reports the laser temperature every 10 seconds. Set it to 0 will disable this function.
Note : Maximum value is 255 seconds
Note : Automatic reporting when device is in task, will not report when device is in idle mode.
Unit: minutes
Your device supports automatic sleep, which turns off the laser and releases the stepper motors. The default value is 10, which means the device will automatically sleep after being idle for 10 minutes. Set it to 0 will disable this function.
Note : Maximum value is 255 minutes
Note : The device will only auto-sleep when it is idle, not during a pause.
Note : After auto-sleep, if you start a new task, the device will wake up automatically, but it is recommended to perform homing because the stepper motors are released during sleep, and the working position may have changed.
Your device supports tilt detection. $43 is used to set the sensitivity of the tilt detection with the following values:
After the device triggers tilt protection, the task will pause, and you can resume the task by pressing the main button on the control board once.
Note: To enable multiple advanced features, add the values together.
For example, if you want to enable both DOOR high level trigger and force Z axis homing, you can set $44 = 3
Setting $44 = 1 will switch DOOR to high level trigger mode.
By default, DOOR is low level triggered, which is easier to use, but it cannot detect DOOR switch damage.
Using high level trigger mode is safer, but not suitable for beginners.
Setting $44 = 2 will perform a Z axis homing first before homing command, (regardless of whether your device has a Z axis installed). Please make sure you have installed a Z axis before enabling this setting.
Menu -> Grbl -> Grbl Configuration
After modifying the corresponding settings, click the Write button.
Menu -> Tool -> Machine Setting
After modifying the corresponding settings, click the Write button.
We can't change NEJE-Specific setting on Tool -> Machine Setting menu.
You need to enter the corresponding command in the Console to modify it.
The example below is to set the laser focus light brightness to 0.5%.
Open the latest version of NEJE control software, first select GRBL Setting Reset,then connect to the device.
Additionally, upgrading the GRBL firmware once will also reset the GRBL settings.